Contact us

Swashikshan is a pan India association, run and managed by volunteers based at various locations. The key volunteers who manage specific areas of work are listed below:

Senior Guide
Urmila Samson

Support Associates
Dola Dasgupta , Hema Bharadwaj, Mathew Peedikayil

Online presence management
Hema Bhardwaj, Urmila Samson

Media and PR
Puneet Bhatnagar

Resource Persons
Dhananjay Sharma, Shailaja Shaily, Supriya Joshi

Swashikshan TV
Hema Bharadwaj, Priya Desikan

Dola Dasgupta, Priya Desikan

Regional co-ordinators

  • Ahmedabad – TBA
  • Chennai – TBA
  • Hyderabad – TBA
  • Pune – TBA

If you want to know about any aspect of homeschooling please mail us at

For editorial feedback and inputs please mail us at

Please replace {at} and {dot} with respective symbols

238 thoughts on “Contact us”

    1. sony dipen yadav

      I am a parent of 8 yr boy,i wiuld like to know abt the actives and studies conducted in homeschooling,also intrested in enrolling my kid. How do i register wt u,can i have contact number. Please send me a link.

    2. Vandana paresh thakker

      I am vandana thakker parent of jas thakker he is 10 years old I want to know about this concept for my child please help me out

    3. Hi, my daughter is 10yr and she is interested in music and sports a lot and prefers to pursue her career in these, the schools don’t support much. Planning to pull her out and support to pursue her interests. So fixed a proper trainer for both. Please suggest/support us to take away the beginners hiccups on home schooling.
      She is interested in some topics, the school wont allow to go further. They expect her to do the typical way, the one she is not interested.
      Please help us how do you do? Have to registered any where to get materials or doing it by yourself? How do you plan a day/week/month?

    4. his is Revati Nana A tutor by profession, based in Mumbai. I have always felt the need of home schooling and would like to give my child this beautiful gift, when I have one. I wish to become a member of this initiative and educate myself on how can I go about it. I would to volunteer as well when I am well equipped with the concept and how-tos.

      Could you please guide me to the formality of becoming a member.

      Also, if you could share the contacts of other Mumbai based members, that will be great!

    5. Hi, My daughter is 13 year old. she is interested to become a pilot and prefers to pursue her career in these. Planning to pull her out of school and support to pursue her interests. So starting her training from next year . Please suggest/support us on home schooling.
      presently looking for Grade 8 examination. Basically from Bangalore.

      Also, if you could share the contacts of other pune or hyderabad based members, that will be great!

  1. Hello, We are homeschooling parents for our daughters 12 and 9. We would like to register with this website. How do I register with you? Please send me the link.
    Sampath (Melkote, Karnataka)

    1. Hi, my daughter is 12yr and she is interested in music and sports a lot and prefers to pursue her career in these, the schools don’t support much. Planning to pull her out and support to pursue her interests. So fixed a proper trainer for both. Please suggest/support us to take away the beginners hiccups on home schooling.
      She is interested in some topics, the school wont allow to go further. They expect her to do the typical way, the one she is not interested.
      Please help us how do you do? Have to registered any where to get materials or doing it by yourself? How do you plan a day/week/month?

  2. This is Kuhoo Gupta, a singer & a software engineer by profession, based in Pune. I have always felt the need of home schooling and would like to give my child this beautiful gift, when I have one. I wish to become a member of this initiative and educate myself on how can I go about it. I would to volunteer as well when I am well equipped with the concept and how-tos.

    Could you please guide me to the formality of becoming a member.

    Also, if you could share the contacts of other Pune based members, that will be great!

    1. Hi … A parent is the child’s First Teacher and the Home is the best place of learning. While every parent wishes to give their child the very best education, many have no idea about how to do it in a structured, fun and interesting way. To help you in your role as a teacher, we have designed a multi media program which will give your Child all the tools needed to be a success in life. All you have to do is use it. Product can be delivered anywhere in India. Use it… Enjoy it… Share with others..

    2. Hi Kuhoo..I am also in Pune I have a 6year old..I too am Keen for home schooling for my daughter. Please do mail if you feel we have quite a few people who are interested so that we can try and initiate this…

  3. This is Roshni Hotwani A Housewife by profession, based in Mumbai. I have always felt the need of home schooling and would like to give my child this beautiful gift, when I have one. I wish to become a member of this initiative and educate myself on how can I go about it. I would to volunteer as well when I am well equipped with the concept and how-tos.

    Could you please guide me to the formality of becoming a member.

    Also, if you could share the contacts of other Mumbai based members, that will be great!

  4. Ohh wow…

    Was searching for this… and got now.. thank you…

    count me in pls… wish to have a comparative study done home schooling with normal public schooling…

    Lets c…

  5. Hello. i am Payal Shah, mother of 2 children. I would like to home school my children and would be grateful to the organization to help me with the same.

    1. hi payal shah I am hrea…my daughter is homeschooling from 1 year…PL CONTACT ME ON:9595033102 looking forward to meeting u… pl send me ur contact no

  6. A homeschoolers sharing in Gujarat on 20th November, 2012 morning.

    Many of you have visited Jeevantirth, if you have any difficulty in reaching there feel free to ask for the support – but do come.

    JUNA Koba is on the bank of the river Sabarmati, half way to Gandhinagar from Ahmadabad. My Mobile No. is 9898110897.

    Waiting to welcome you on 20th Morning.

    All the best, – with lots of love and respect, – Raju Deepti

    1. I am homeschooling my two kids 4 and 6 and based in uk. We a re following “Eclectic” homeschooling approach.I will be in india for few months and would like to meet homeschoolers around in ahmedabad if any. If any one have any info about any regular meet ups or groups pls do let me know. thanks in advance.

  7. Hi,
    Like evry other parent I also have so many doubts about homeschooling. This seems to be a wonderful idea of home schooling our kids. Could you please help me on this by giving information on how this works. I have read about home schooling in one magazine and I could not get much info. How this works? Will this continue even after 6 years? How our children will get settled in their life? SO many other quirries? Pls help me.

  8. Hi,
    i am a journalist with The Telegraph newspaper in Calcutta and am trying to get in touch with people who are homeschooling their children in the city.

    In case anyone knows of an individual who is doing so, it would be kind of him/her to let me know.

    While homeschooling is prevalent in several cities, it doesn’t seem to be so in Calcutta.

    1. dibyendu chakraborty

      i also live in kolkata with my 5 year old daughter.i am home schooling her. i would like to talk with you in this matter. my mobile-8961856094

    2. Hi,
      I am from kolkata and homeschooling my 4.2yrs daughter…I m also looking for parents who can join hands and we can help each other. thanks. If you know anyone plz send the contact details.


      DEAR SIR


      MOBILE +919748787747

    4. Hi…I live approx 150 kms from calcutta/kolkata. My son is 3 years old and im willing to homeschool him. I intend to get in touch with kolkata homeschooling parents for a proper guided learning.
      Thank you .

  9. My friend is looking for an option for her son who is visually challenged, Now the school is not supporting her to keep her son for the next year. He will be in 9th Std next year. She cant sit at home and teach him as she is a single parent. Kindly let me know the option for her as she is very worried about her son’s future.

  10. hi,my self suresh,from surat nd i was looking 4 this,yup i got it.thx.but i want to know is there anyone from surat or gujarat.plz mail me so i could meet them.
    thx,suresh patel.


      MY CONTACT NUMBER IS 0922808454.

    2. HI

      I m from surat, exploring homeschooling for my kids. Need to talk about it. Kindly call/miss call me on 9925771877.

    3. Hi Suresh,
      I am also from Surat, adajan. I have twin boys.. 3yrs old now. Planning to homeschool them. Looking for group of home schoolers in Surat.
      We can connect some time.
      Best regards

  11. hi I am hrea…I have spoken to urmila samsona year ago about my daughter…my daughter is already homeschooling from 1 year…I have been trying to contact her but I have not been able to get in touch with her…I n my daughter both r loving homeschooling! URMILA PL GET IN TOUCH WITH ME…MY CONTACT NO IS:9595033102 we r looking forward to ur meetings n get to gethers

  12. Dear Swashikshan team,
    This is Kartik Lokhande, a journalist with ‘The Hitavada’ newspaper (English)published from Nagpur, Jabalpur, Raipur, and Bhopal.
    I am looking for home-schoolers in Nagpur city, if any, or some contact of Swashikshan in Nagpur city so that the concept is highlighted and discussed in the society here.
    Can you help me out with these contact details?
    If yes, kindly send details on

  13. Hello everybody! I’m Hiten from Mumbai, a chemist by profession , an IT engineer by qualification and a father of 16 month old child. I’m looking forward to home school my child. Can anyone please help me gain further insight of home schooling and how to go ahead with it. I will also be grateful if somebody can help me contact Mr. Nikhil Trivedi who is the regional co-ordinator for Mumbai.

    Hiten Chheda.

  14. My daughter is just 5 months old. We have more or less decided that she will go for homeschooling.We want to know at what age we can enroll for this and how to enroll for this?? Is your organization governement recognized?Will there be anything like certificate??After homeschooling, is it possible to take admission in any university??We request you to reply to us with answer of these queries and give your contact no.

  15. Dear Sir,Namskar.I am involve in nature and adventure education activites in gujarat since 1987, and noe staing in Dharampur at Valsad dist. i want to meet some one who can guide me for my two children for home schooling..

    1. Hello! Sir, I am from ahemdabad and also looking for home schooling concept, through this website i m going to make one group, if you are interested then send me your number on my email id.

  16. Hi
    I am fitness consultant and my husband is a photographer from Delhi,
    We are thinking of opting for homeschooling for our 5 year old son,
    Although he goes to a regular school right now, we feel that education is more than just stuffing the mind with syllabus, stifling a child’s individuality in the name of system…
    However the anxiety of walking into a completely unknown territory is a bit daunting.
    So we are looking for some advise from parents who have walked this road….
    Thanks a lot

  17. Hi Namaskar,

    We are based in Palus,Sangli( Mah )

    Our daughter 14 year old passed 8th exam(Marathi medium)
    last educational year.Now she is doing home schooling.

    Our second daughter 3 and 1/2 year old now i am expecting
    your advice

    1.whether this conference will help for our daughters?

    2.Our daughters use Marathi/Hindi if necessary some
    times English is this useful for them ?

    Pl reply

  18. I am father of 6 year boy,I want my boy does homeschooling in GujaratPlease kindly advice through email. Leave contact number so I can reach to you.

    thank you.


    1. I am homeschooling my two kids 4 and 6 and based in uk. We a re following “Eclectic” homeschooling approach.I will be in india for few months and would like to meet homeschoolers around in ahmedabad if any. If any one have any info about any regular meet ups or groups pls do let me know. thanks in advance.

  19. hi
    we want to educate my child by home schooling. so we please provide us with all the details like age of enrollment, procedure of admission, certification and your contact number so, that we can clear all queries regarding home schooling.

  20. we want to enrol our child for home schooling. please provide me with all the details like age of enrolment, admission procedure, cerfication etc. we will be thankful to you.
    Thanking you

  21. A question to all who can help. I homeschooled my daughter for one year , that is for grade 5 . I followed the cbse syllabus . Now she wants To get back to school in 6th grade .however i have a tc for4 th only . Would any of you know if how i can get her into 6 th grade cbse . What would be the legalities

    1. Hello sir,
      I want to homeschool my 12yr old child. I am from blore too, staying at Kudlu gate. If possible Pls can I talk to you? My ph nos is 9845795226

  22. Sir,

    We are an organization based at Dehradun, the hub of school education in India.We provide quality education to students at their home .We have a team of 70+ teachers working to uplift the academic performance of children.They toil from morning till evening for the same cause.We are promoting the concept of Home schooling in dehradun.

    It would be a great help to us,if we can get more information on home schooling through you.

    Best Regards

    Siraj Siddiqui
    The ASK Foundation

  23. Hello,

    I am 16 years old and have passed 10th class. Now for 11th and 12th class I want to do homeschool. Can I do it ? if yes then how ?
    Please help me out.

    Krishna Bhati

    1. kindly go to nios website…you ll get all your answers…
      all the best. if you are from delhi, pls contact 9811284735 n guide me also for my son for 7th.

  24. to whom it may concern, i am from MALAD (west)Mumbai and have a daughter in the 6th grade and a son in the 8th grade. am very interested in home schooling and concerned about science lab work and board exams.

    Please revert ASAP.


  25. Hello wonderful people,

    I am a homemaker. My son has completed IXthe grade CBSE from India this year and promoted to Xth. I had to bring him to Singapore. He wishes to sit for the Xth exam in coming march with his other bachmates. To fulfill his wish,I was looking for sitting for final Xth exam as a private student and brought me to this wonderful site. This is remarkable!
    Could you please advice me whether he can register for SSLC of Tamilnadu now and write the march exam? He has learnt Hindi until 8th as second language and then chose french as his first language. Could anyone suggest other than SSLC what are the other streams he can opt? Hoping to hear from you guys soon. Thank you.

  26. Dear team swashikshan,

    i have home schooled my daughter for stndard 11 and 12 under the IGCSE scheme. She has given her board exams and i am very nerous about whether she will clear,

    i need to be ready with alternatives if she does not. She scored 93% in the state board exam in the 10th.

    She has cleared 1 A level paper last october (Psychology). She has also cleared 2 AS level papers (Business Studies and Economics) and has now given 3 A and 3 AS level exams and English at the AS levels.

    Please do let me know

    a. i live in Coimbatore. In case she does not clear and we have to give the exam again in the cominng October, please could you help me find some good coaches who would help her understand the subjects and the questions for the IGCSE?

    b. She is presently in Bangalore enrolled for a BBM program where she has been given provisional admission. I am wondering how she will feel if she does not clear and she has to come out of the course. Should i get any psychological help ready?

    c. If a child does not clear the 12th, would a college continue the provisional admission till the October exam results are out?

    d. If i do get her to take a gap year, please could ou suggest any organisation that she can work tog= gain experience in the field of her choice – Huan Resources Developement OR could she do a course that will help her when she rejoins the degree program next year?

  27. Nelly Joanna David

    I am Mrs. Joanna, from Mahdya Pradesh. I came to know about home schooling in india few years back and I wished to place my children in home school and at present I want to know whether it is available in Madhya Pradesh, satna dst, I also want to more and more about this . so if anyone from madhya pradesh homeschooling thier children please reply me.

  28. Sampoornam Gunasekaran

    Dear Team, I would like to know how can you be contacted. My son, 10 yrs old, is currently being home-schooled after a lot of bullying issues in the school (he was being bullied very frequently). His mental maturity is quite less compared to his physical age. His IQ is 118. He is an AD kid. I am currently helping him at home. I would like to know more details about this as i feel handicapped and unsure regarding how to proceed further. Will someone kindly guide me, please?

  29. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am studying in Tokyo, Japan, recently focusing on the Indian homeschooling.

    I have a question about the public/private financial assistance for the homeschool
    family. The parents might use a lot of money for the homeschooling/home education.
    I wonder if you have any government aids or tax deduction/credit for those parents
    in India. I would be pleased if you give me the information.

    I appreciate you highly for your cooperation and help.


    F. Nishimura
    Kyoritsu Women’s University
    Tokyo JAPAN

  30. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I have completed my 10th class 2013 from an Indian School, Sharjah, UAE. I want to go for psychology and commerce. Do you have any home study courses for this and Is the certificate accredited/valid for higher degree courses in India and US.
    Please send me the full details course duration, fees and any documents.
    Awaiting your response at the earliest.

    thanks & regards,
    Sairah Issac

  31. I live in vadapalani .my daughter study in third standards . She did not interested go to school . In radio home schooling is telecaste . I am interested to admit my daughter in home school .I am agree to wait foryyour mail thank you.

  32. Hi,
    I am a mother of 5 year old down syndrome kid.i want to homeschool him but I didnt know how to start with it.pls help me.i am frm chennai

  33. Hi,
    This website is really good. has nice compilation of articales & GO-TO place for anyone who is thinking about HomeSchooling. Appreciate the efforts taken by the people behind this.
    I have one suggestion. Can we get some kind of feedback/interviews from some Homeschooled children who have grown up in their education/career? This will definitely give more insights to how things are in a homeschoolers’ life. Ofcourse will add more confidence to new homeschooling parents. Thanks.


  34. Hello,

    My Son was in 2nd STD, he was very brilliant in studies in 1st STD, but in 2nd standard he started getting school fears. We did counselling for him but in vain. Nowadays he doesn’t go to school. One of my friend advised me about homeschooling. I am located in Pune, I would like to know, how it works, can we have any contact person who can guide us.
    Please help

  35. Are there any education/career counsellors on this site who would like to respond to queries on possible career options for homeschooled/unschooled students. Please inform.
    Me and my daughter who has just appeared for her secondary school exam have opted for homeschooling for her educational/career pursuit. We would like to explore available help on resources for homeschooled students.
    Kindly share your ideas, experiences, resources here.

    lalit gambhir
    Writer-Journalist &
    Rural Development (Subject Matter Expert)

  36. hello i live in jaipur. my daughter is 5 years old. and we decided home schooling for her..
    please contact me on 09587689540

    1. Dear ma’am ,
      I am from Jaipur and am pretty much interested in homeschooling of my two kidskids, aged 12 and 6. Can you guide us.

  37. Hi, I have a 3 and a half and a 1 and a half year old child. I want to homeschool my children and have read montessori books and some others, I have read waldorf although I am not sure how much I understood. I am looking for guidance and companionship in growing my girls. I want them some friends and advise on where we can trek etc. Kindly help.

    1. Hi, I have 5 & 2 yrs old children. I’m starting homeschool. I seeking homeschoolers in same age. If u are interested, let us share the contact details for sharing our homeschooling ideas.

  38. Priya Patil Khirade

    I want to know members from Thane or Mumbai. Want to meet personally. Especially marathi medium school parents who have chosen homeschooling.

  39. Hi, I am in the 10th grade right now, under IGCSE syllabus.I want to do homeschooling for 11th and 12th grade, because I am not able to cope with A)The academic pressure at school (the countless pieces of hard homework and such) and B) severe issues with peers, bullying, etc. How do I go about it?

  40. hello to All,

    Firstly let me tell you’ll regarding myself that am a Single parent and taking care of my daughter who is 9 years now studying in 5th-class and she going to SSC-board school in Mumbai city as regular schooling child.

    so here from past couple of days my mother is not well and she was recently under gone surgery and am the only person to look after her also as being only daughter So due to this emergency iam not in a position to send the child to school on regular bases.

    So here on internet i heard and see some related info about homeschooling so — i want to have and know the information regarding how to start a homeschooling for my child means study material/education board/exams– fees-how to get register so on and so forth- and all information regarding homeschooling which is the best institution in India.

    so please help me out — and for this help from you’ll shall be grateful.

    thanks & regards,

  41. Hi,

    Recently i visited a small village which has schooling till 8th std. So kids(most of girls) their cannot complete education till 10th. So i want to know can home schooling help them to complete their 10th form home.
    Please let me know procedure for registering for home schooling and any other alternatives to complete schooling.

    1. anyone who is 14 years and above can sit for NIOS exams to get class 10th and 12th certificates. NIOS is a govt of india inititive

  42. Hi,

    Thank you very much for such great initiative. A nephew of mine, is being home schooled through an accredited American home school provider, Calvert. Will he be eligible to attend Indian universities?

    Please advise. Thank you very much for your help.


  43. Hello
    I would like to take home schooling for class 11 and 12.
    And I want to know if that’s possible or not. If yes then how..??
    please help me out


  44. Would like to know if there is homeschooling for std11 in chennai.looking forward for reply.

  45. I am homeschooling my son, Jai aged 9. He is interested in Cricket and Music. He loves reading. I was wondering if parents of kids in the same age group would like to connect so that we can initiate some peer to peer learning. Book discussions so that kids can delve deeper into understanding and comprehension.


  46. Mahesh Ahirekar

    Dhruv is 7yrs and was very smart and social till 4yrs. He has a good IQ as well.
    Since last couple of years he is affected with ADHD.

    It is very difficult for him to focus on things and if made to focus, he gets wild. This creates lot of stress in school as he cannot write or reads slowly.
    We have been teaching him verbally.
    We are from Nerul, Navi Mumbai. Presently staying in Sharjah-UAE.(Dhruv shifted to Sharjah at the age of 4.5yrs).

    Do you have someone who can help us and guide here in Dubai or Sharjah.

    How can we start the home-schooling from here.
    Kindly reply at the earliest.

  47. Urmil contractor

    Can I kindly have a contact number whom I can talk to. Regarding homeschooling. I want my 6 year old to opt for homeschooling.thanks

  48. Hi,my daughter is 10yrs old she is in class five I am interested in home schooling please give me suggestive methods to enroll her for theory same as i want to pull her from school she is in ICSE Board.will I be available to continue her in home schooling with the same board.

  49. Hi sir/madam…
    It will be appreciated if I am getting contacts of home schooling parents in kerala for further clarification. I am very much interested in this subject of home schooling and I am very much excited to know the follow of the parents who If anyone can help please contact in my mail id

  50. Hi sir/madam…
    It will be appreciated if I am getting contacts of home schooling parents in kerala for further clarification. I am very much interested in this subject of home schooling and I am very much excited to know the follow of the thodupuzha parents (idukki district kerala)who wrote a detailed reply to child welfare committee for the complained of not sending their children in to school. If anyone can help please contact in my mail id

  51. i am a father of 3 year old girl.i do not want to send my child to school and learn things. I have decided to home school my daughter. kindly send me mobile number of home schooling parent near me. I am in chennai, Tamilnadu

  52. Ravi Shankar Prasad

    I am interested to make a documentary film on this subject HOMESCHOOLING. Pls help me to get full knowledge. I would also like to take interview of related persons. Give contacts. Come forward. This education system is need of our country. My email id

    Ravi Shankar Prasad

  53. Sumita Biju Parman


    am thinking over of homeschooling concept for my 2nd kid who is 6 yrs studying in 1st standard. need your help & guidance. am located at mumbai subarb & looking for a homeschooler.

    1. Hello Sumita,
      I m rajshree and mother of a 6 yrs daughter . we r doing homeschooling of her. so i keep on searching on net. while searching i got it so thought to share with you . may be it would help you.

  54. Hi

    I read an article on Homeschooling ,wanted to know more about the same.
    I live in Delhi and my son is 8 year old, is there a branch in Delhi please provide me with all the details .


  55. Hi,
    I am from surat with two kids -6th and 4th std- and seriously considering home schooling to save their 7-8 hrs daily wasted on regular assembly line schooling.

    but faced with some questions if anyone can help me with, it would be really great..

    1. it seems only NIOS is the choice for me for SSC exams in surat. is it reputed enough to be considered for competitive entrance exams and admissions in premier institutions like JEE, AIPMT, and other such for different fields?

    i hear that NIOS is basically used by students who fail board exams and many centers in some cities secure them pass marksheets next year for few thousand bucks with dummies.

    2. some schools provide dummy admissions to students so what is preferable, NIOS or dummy school admissions.

    3. can home schooler sit for various national and international scholarship and competitive tests like Olympiads etc.?

    4. where does NIOS fit in admission quota structures of various universities?

    5. does gujarat board allow private students?

    Kindly help me if you can. I hardly use emails so plz call/miss call me (9925771877) as i really need to talk about it and it cant be written out.


    p.s. – discussions posted on this board are not dated so cant say who said what n when.. but plz help me if u can..
    today 10.10.2016

    1. Anyone who knows homeschooling kids of age 11 and above kindly share contact info of parents/teachers/guides, or better call/miss call/text/whatsapp me on 9925771877 as i urgently looking for some answers n guidance..

      It will be grt help.


    2. Hi

      Have you been able to get responses to your queries?

      Let me know the open items and if I can help you with some inputs?

  56. i need to do homeschooling for 11th and is possible to do.i can able to study in collage or university in future

  57. I am a father of a 12 year girl child residing in Cooke Town, Bangalore. Last year I got her unschooled and manage to start home schooling by appointing a teacher along with my two niece, however after about 6 months in to it the teacher had to relocate to Chennai due to personal problem.Since then we are not able to find a teacher.

    I am very much looking for help and assistance in this regard.

    Would highly appreciate if you could guide us.


    Ismail Sait

  58. I am homeschooling my children from past two academic year. Coming June want to put them back to school but finding it very difficult Coz all the cbse schools are demanding a transfer certificate. I am still finding a way out. Please help me on this if anyone could.please do a proper ground work before deciding on home schooling.

  59. hi my name is amit wankhedkar , i m from talegaon dabhade , dist pune, i have seen ur organisation , want to more know more
    i m planning to my daughter to in without going school want to start homeschool pls give us contact details in pune, or pls whatsup me 9921091561

  60. Greetings,
    I am a mother of two from Hyderabad. I was very impressed by the idea of homeschooling and moreover achievements by daughter of one of your founding members, Supriya Raj made my opinion on homeschooling even stronger.
    I would like to seek few inputs from her regarding my kids.
    If possible, can you kindly put me in contact with Supriya Raj.
    Thanks in advance.


  61. Hi,

    We are interested to give homeschooling to our daughter aged three and half instead of sending her to school. We are based out in Pune and would like to get connected with parents of Homeschooling kids. We are looking for guidance and companionship in growing our kid. Kindly Help


  62. Hi,

    I am the father of 12 year old son from Mysore (Karnataka) who is currently studying 6th standard under the State syllabus. Due to very poor schooling environment and poor text books we want to home-school our son.

    Please let me know how to register myself on your website and also please provide me all the necessary details as to how to go about, where to register, what are the pros and cons of home-schooling etc.


  63. Hi,
    Can someone please share contact numbers of editors or any key volunteers as I’m not getting response to my queries on sending mail. How will I be able to decide about homeschooling if I’m not getting any help. Please help.

  64. Has anybody ever got any reply to their queries from here. please share if you ever have else its a time waste. Im not getting any response from anyone. This is very frustrating.

    Please contact me at if your queries are ever answered and if any contact numbers are ever shared.

  65. Hi my daughter wants to opt for home schooling she’s in the 8th grade following the IGCSE CURRICULUM .whats the procedure pls let me know .if any home schooling parents could contact me or I could contact them it would greatly help.

  66. hey,I am a girl 0f class 10th..soon i ll be in class 11th..and i am really interested in homeschooling program…i will be really happy if someone will help me out..for this help i will be really grateful.
    thank you and regards

  67. Im in Gurgaon. I wish to home school my 8 yr old child. Please parents from delhi NCR connect at 9810463666.
    Also need a contact from Swashikhsham team to know more. Im very anxious and really need help

  68. Hi.i am from gujarat gandhinagar.I have two son.. I want to know about homeschooling . Pls help me.i want to meet parents who are homeschooling their children. If anyone from gujarat Gandhinagar or nearby gandhinagar.plz contact me.9601929193

  69. Hi, I am from chennai. I want to know the details for 3rd and 4th grade home school for my kid… Plz call me for the detail +91 9940030213….

  70. Dear Maam,

    I am sorry, a little off the concerned matter in your post, I have some questions. I would be very grateful if you could help me with them.

    I have 2 daughters, 10 & 8 years old. My wife and I are seriously considering homeschooling with IGCSE. We need to talk to an experienced parent like yourself.

    I would appreciate if you could drop in an email.

    Thank you

  71. Hello, I am from pune. My daughter is 9 yrs old and she is in 4th and ssc board. Would like to do homeschooling for my daughter. Would like to know more about homeschooling in pine…. Thanks

  72. Hi. I’m sonalie from bangalore. I have send a mail for joining the group.. kindly accept my membership request. As I want to opt home schooling for my daughter who is 4.2 years.. kindly help me out as soon as possible.. Thank you

    1. Hi…
      We provide all the necessary tools needed to make your Home schooling fun & effective. As a parent – you are your Child’s best teache. Armed with the correct system, both you & your child can proceed to enjoy & benefit from our effective Home Education system.

  73. Dear Sir/Mam,

    My self Rakesh Patel based at Surat.
    I have 2 kids. I am looking some HomeSchooling in Surat.
    Plz help me for the same.

    1. Dear Rakesh
      I am from Gujrat and we do homeschooling our both sons one is 9 year old and 5 year old..

      you are most welcome to discuss, it is one of the best way to educate children.


    2. Hi

      I am from Surat. I m also looking for home schooling. did you get any information about their same. please help. ..

  74. Dear Sir/Mam,

    Hello, I am from Bangalore. My son is 10 yrs old and he is in 5th Std SSLC board. Would like to do homeschooling for my son. Would like to know more about homeschooling in Bangalore…. Thanks

  75. Dear Sir/Mam,

    Hello, I am from Bangalore. Would like to do homeschooling for my son. Would like to know more about homeschooling in Bangalore…. Thanks

  76. Chetan Manral Dwivedi

    Could you please provide your contact details so that we can contact you guys. My son is 5.6 and I would really like to know more about the home school options and how should I go about it and what are the future prospective for him.

  77. Hi, I am moving to China and wanted my son to get homeschooling. My son is 13 yeras old..Kindly help me for the same and contact me asap. Thanks

  78. Namaste,

    I am from rajkot, gujarat. and I want to do homeschooling for my 8 years old daughter.

    I am confused about some points. so, I want to discuss and take some guidance from you.

    waiting for positive response from you.

    If any number so, please send it.

    thank you.


  79. Maera bacha 9 yrs ka hy mae use homeschooling
    Karva na chahti hu kaese suruvat karu ..
    Iski mujeh information chahiye agar koe contact number ho toh dijeye…

  80. Hi,

    This Fabian from Mumbai & have a 10 year old daughter who finds is very difficult to concentrate on studies in School, we plan to remove her from her school & teach her at home, I need someone to guide on the how do I get her to appear for her board exams(when she is ready for it) & what curriculum I need to follow for her


  81. Hello, my name is Janani and I’m a journalism student from Chennai. I’m doing a story on homeschooling for my project, and I’d love to speak with anyone from here, to ask them some questions 😀

  82. Hi All,

    I am Manisha Sakpal parent of Nishant Sakpal he is 16 years old I want to know about this concept for my child please help me out.

  83. I am a student from kerala… am fed up with the educational system… I want to do homeschooling from 11th and 12th.. But I don’t know about its syllabus and its certification.. It would be great if anyone could help me with this..

  84. Hello! Nitin karai, i m Jaydatt from ahemdabad, my child age is 5,we are also looking for home schooling, can you contact me on my number :9925168640. Plz reply or send me your contact number.

  85. Hi Ranjitha from Bangalore I am planning homeschooling for my son he is 6 years old. I want to know the procedure. Please anyone kindly help. Contact me : 9880409722

  86. Margaret Valentina

    Hi Team,

    My daughter is 3yrs. I want to start home schooling for her from now only. Can you let me know how can I do it. Process and procedures. How does it go. So that I can prepare my self and my daughter.

  87. rajkumar palaniswamy

    Hi ,

    This is Rajkumar Palaniswamy from Chennai . My both kids are not going to school as we decided to home school them. My daughter has completed 10th and trying to enroll into some syllabus where she can do home schooling. I would like to have some contacts from Chennai or anywhere to know more about home schooling options. Please let me know. I can also become a co-ordinator for Chennai .

    Rajkumar P

  88. Hi…I’m a tutor in Coimbatore. I would like to teach the home schooling kids,if they are in need of any help…kindly contact me on 9994299041

  89. Sarthak nalwade

    Please say detail homeschool is my child he is a very talented but not a study other activity so home school is good his career he is 12 yr old he is depress to routine school bore to study pl. Help me my no 8108297951

  90. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am resident of Pune. I have 2 and half year daughter. Me and my wife Poonam really want to know about homeschooling and way of doing implementing Homeschooling. We both working in MIT ADT university, Loni, Pune. If we got any contact no. or information on this subject we were very glad and thankful to you.

  91. I need some information about homeschooling and its acceptability in Indian education system. Can someone please reply to this mail ? or advise me how to get this information please? All help will be much appreciated. Many thanks!

  92. Hello,

    I would like to know about the activities and studies. Also, would want to know at what age we can start homeschooling. Additionally, what is the medium of instructions?

  93. dear sir/madam
    I am Dr Reevathii, staying in Bangalore. i am homeschooling my 9 year old daughter and 4 year old son. I would like to contact with Bangalore team members to actively involve in learning and participation.
    my contact number +919480209279

  94. Hello Sir,

    I would like to homeschool, my 12 yrs old (7th std) and 8 yrs (3rd std) old children, Kindly help me understand the following.

    1) If they want to opt for science group in +2, how they can access lab facility.

    2) Homeschoolers are eligible to join govt/Regular Engg or Medical colleges or they can join only specific colleges?

    3) I understand NIOS conducts exams only for 10th and 12th std, how about other earlier classes, is there someone conducts exams for smaller classes before 10th std?

    4) want to know more about NIOS and IGCSE curriculam.


    Nishok A

  95. Arpitha Mirchandani

    Looking to get in touch and some guidance to start home schooling. We are in Pune. I tried mailing to the above address… But it’s says the recipient address is wrong.
    Pls someone get in touch ASAP.

  96. Hi

    Great to know that we (Indian) have courage to challenge the system. I work with a school where we are also doing the same what you have done, but we are attempting to do it with another form of challenge.

    We don’t have classroom education pattern so we “educate” our kids with Project based education, where they do every possible practical activity by with they can learn, we are also preparing them for asking what they want to know so they are learning beyond boundaries. We would like to know more about your pedagogy of learning so that we can also incorporate your experience to our learning process. If possible kindly connect to us by email :
    or by phone : +91-9953367501

  97. My friend is very much interested in opting for Homeschooling for her daughter.plz could you forwrd me the contact details.she has cleared her 5th class

  98. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am based in Pune.
    I am considering homeschooling for my 7 year old special child.
    Would appreciate your help in this regard. Request you to mail me the details.


  99. My son is 8 years old and iam interested in home schooling so please provide me the details of home schooling methods and legal approvals for this system in india. Iam staying in kerala
    Iam also interested to attend home schooling conference conducting by the association to know more about the home schooling

  100. Hello dear Sir/Madam

    I am a parent of 10 years old studying in 4th grade in Mumbai. It’s really great to know the platform you are providing for home schooling…would like to have more details about how we can go for home schooling.

  101. Hello urmila,
    Dipika here from serene eco village, welhe, Pune.
    My daughter is 3 now and I’d like to know what and when to start schooling and if it’s the right option.
    Pls mail me or add me in the Pune homeschooling group

  102. Rukmini Dasgupta Ghosh

    I, Rukmini Dasgupta Ghosh would like to homeschool my son (9years) in Gurgaon.

    I actually have been a victim of domestic violence and have come away from my marital home in Noida and currently staying with relatives in Gurgaon. My husband has served a legal notice to the school where my son was studying and thus has stopped me from getting a transfer certificate.
    Considering the clout and money that my husband has , I fear for my and my son’s safety and I will not be able to send my son to a Noida school.

    Even though I have complained to the U.P police women cell ,the actual legal separation may take some time.

    Without a transfer certificate and my husband’s consent I cannot get my son enrolled in a regular school in Gurgaon.

    I, as a mother, absolutely refuse to accept my husband’s bullying and will not let my son’s education be hampered. Request you to please help me and let me know the ways that I can ensure that his education continues.

    I have even contacted NIOS and was told that my son being 9 year old will not be eligible for OBE (level B) till the next year.

    Is there a way that I can homeschool him for a year or so, so that his academic years are not lost. Can I get him integrated to the formal schooling in a couple of years from now? I have my son’s birth certificate and Aadhar card with me. Is anything else required to enroll to any specific course.

    Ideally I would like to follow a curriculam. Could you please suggest ways to go about it.

    I have done both my B.Com (H) and L.LB from Delhi university and am a fellow member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. I am into corporate consultancy and mostly work out of home. I am confident that with your support and guidance I will be able to effectively educate my son at home.

    Request you to kindly help me in my endeavour to get a dignified life for me and my son.

  103. Hi, I am from bhopal wanting to homeschool my five year old. I am keen in forming a group in my city for company. I am searching for people in bhopal who are homeschooling their children.

    1. Hello Priyanca,

      I’m also from Bhopal and having two kids. Looking for homeschooling for my kids. Looking for help so please do share the details to proceed further.

      Warm regards

  104. Please i need some information on Home schooling.

    I am planning to start for my 7 year and 3 year old.

    Please guide me in this regard.

    My number is 9940362044

    Thank you so much


  105. This is Rashmi Bhosekar from Pune. I want to homeschool my 11 year old son. Before taking this decision, I would like to speak to at least a few people who have homeschooled their kids and who can guide me in this regard.I request you to send contact details of such people.


    Rashmi Bhosekar

  106. Hi,
    my name is Amit and i am planning to opt for homeschooling to my child but i need some information and guidance on this, can u provide me your any no. so we can discuss this u can mail me at or call me on 91-8767947904.

  107. Good Day,
    I saw your site but I could not understand how you will get the admit card for the board exams and also how you will teach the students these are missing in your site. Home schooling is what need to know pls call and teach me if possible or send your number I will call u.

  108. Nice article! these help in providing the best knowledge about how to become a perfect teacher. everyone required the training in any field that’s why in the teaching field we are providing the teacher training at learn2teach platform

  109. Sheethal Govindan

    I have just subscribed to join Swashikshan online. I look forward to your confirmation.
    I have just relocated to Kodaikanal with my 9 year old daughter. Schooling in Kodaikanal is either ICSE or CBSE schools that don’t support my daughter’s interests, the other schools that offer more progressive systems are too expensive for me to afford. Hence my decision to homeschool.
    My daughter attended a regular British/A Level school from FS1 to year 4. As I am still very new to the whole system, I would like some advice as to how I might be able to get started.

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  110. Hi

    I would like to register with you and also seek information on how to go about homeschooling my child.

    Appreciate if someone from your office could contact me on 9248186209

    Also, if you could please share the contacts of Hyderabad based members.



    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  111. Hi. This is Suha here, May I please request you to guide me regarding homeschooling for my 12 year old boy from Bangalore for IGCSC syllabus.

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  112. I need some information on Home schooling. Before I start homeschool I need some guide about this. So kindly contact me and help me to understand all the things about this

    Please guide me in this regard.

    My number is 8080131497

    Thank you so much

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  113. Good morning, This is callistus from COIMBATORE, TAMIL NADU. I would want to know more on the procedures to enroll a child for grade 6 at homeschooling method. May I know more on that. Thank you

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  114. Hi, I’m interested in knowing about homeschooling for my son (9 years). Please help me out with the requisite details.

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  115. Hi,i am vivek from gurgaon.i want to explore option of homeschooling for my kids in gurgaon. If there are any parent who are homeschooling their kids in gurgaon,plz get in touch with me at 9818356732.

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  116. I am Shreya Sapale. My daughter is 6years old she is in 1st. I would like to know more about Home school and want to join group so where I can get the people of same thinking line.
    I am from Pune. 9699065124

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  117. I am Language trainer based in Mumbai. If any parent is thinking to let their kids pick up any foreign/Indian languages,I am interested. 9820217436

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  118. Hi

    I am srinivasan and I have 8 year old normal daughter, wherein i want to put her in home schooling in bangalore. can anyone help with me details of private tuition and register with any university or NIOS

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  119. Hi
    This is Ketan Bhosale, father of 9 year old twins.

    If anyone is into homeschooling and staying near Thane and Mumbai, then please do get back to me.

    We all can come together and evolve.

    I have some inputs.

    Regards !

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  120. Hi
    I am father of 9 year old twins. I am started homeschooling my kids.

    Anyone in homeschooling, from Thane and Mumbai are requested to get in touch with me.

    Ketan Bhosale
    8446 234560

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

  121. We are parents of 8 years old and 3 years old. We reside in Greater Noida West, Uttar Pradesh also called Noita extension. We would like to connect with home schoolers in our area. If you can help connect that will be great.

    Kiran and Kamal Rautela
    +91 8587888968
    +91 9717074269

    1. Hi! we are hosting next SAM gathering in Belagavi in January 2023. Kindly visit latest information shared on the blog if you are interested in joining.

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